The Zionists: The Real Anti-Jewish Terrorists
With G-d’s help, in this
article we will demonstrate that the Israelis are the greatest danger to Jews
that exists today.
Unlike conventional
terrorists, who kill people openly in order to strike fear into the public, the
Zionists recruit others to commit their crimes for them, and then they come out
and condemn their agents in order to cover up their guilt. This
has been their tactic from before the Second World War to this day.
Zionist Terrorism in the Age of Nazis
Ever since the founding of
the Zionist movement in the 1890’s, their goal was to force Jews to transform
Judaism from a religion into nationalism. Therefore, when they succeeded in 1917
in getting England to promise them a homeland in the Holy Land, they seized the
opportunity to bring all Europe’s Jews there with the goal of forcing them to
give up religion and become nationalists. That’s why they looked for ways to
make sure that the Jews in Europe should not be able to live in peace. In the
year 1933 they proclaimed a boycott on Hitler’s government in the name of world
Jewry, not caring about the 500,000 Jews who then lived under Hitler.
Caption: The New York Times
of 1933, reporting the heavy economic losses to Germany due to the boycott.
The Zionist continued to
provoke Hitler for several years in various ways, making certain that whatever
they did was done in the name of all of Jewry. The masses of Jews who opposed
the Zionists weren’t able to protest then because the newspapers were controlled
by the Zionists (as they are to this day). Against this background, Hitler’s
eventual revenge against the Jews should come as no surprise. And in order to
cover up their role in the suffering of Jews in WWII, the Zionists constantly
condemn the Nazis and commemorate their
Zionist Terrorism
The Zionists want to keep
Jews in danger around the world, so they oppress the Palestinians to a terrible
degree, and make sure that their crimes are done in the name of all Jews around
the world, so that Jews everywhere should suffer the consequences, may G-d spare
us. And then, when something happens to Jews somewhere in the world, they come
out and condemn when they themselves caused. And of course, out of the kindness
of their hearts, they invite the Jewish victims to flee to come and live in
their accursed “safe haven.”
September 11th
Now that we have seen
clearly that the Zionists recruit others to bring danger to the world, we must
suspect that they brought about the September 11th attacks by hinting to the Arabs that the Americans are the ones supplying them with the weapons and money with which to
oppress the Palestinians, and that therefore their terrorism should be directed
against America. The Zionists goal is to convince the Americans that the Arabs
are the real terrorists, in order to get more money and weapons out of America
and continue to oppress the Palestinians without any trouble. Furthermore,
“Israel” is trying to drag America into wars with countries that really want to
have peaceful relations with America, and are only upset at Israel for harming
the innocent Palestinians, who were expelled from their homeland.
Let us hope that the
Americans will know how to distinguish between Zionists and true Jews, who want
to be loyal citizens and pray for the welfare of the country!!!
With G-d’s help, in this
article we will demonstrate that the Israelis are the greatest danger to Jews
that exists today.
Unlike conventional
terrorists, who kill people openly in order to strike fear into the public, the
Zionists recruit others to commit their crimes for them, and then they come out
and condemn their agents in order to cover up their guilt. This
has been their tactic from before the Second World War to this day.
Zionist Terrorism in the Age of Nazis
Ever since the founding of
the Zionist movement in the 1890’s, their goal was to force Jews to transform
Judaism from a religion into nationalism. Therefore, when they succeeded in 1917
in getting England to promise them a homeland in the Holy Land, they seized the
opportunity to bring all Europe’s Jews there with the goal of forcing them to
give up religion and become nationalists. That’s why they looked for ways to
make sure that the Jews in Europe should not be able to live in peace. In the
year 1933 they proclaimed a boycott on Hitler’s government in the name of world
Jewry, not caring about the 500,000 Jews who then lived under Hitler.
Caption: The New York Times
of 1933, reporting the heavy economic losses to Germany due to the boycott.
The Zionist continued to
provoke Hitler for several years in various ways, making certain that whatever
they did was done in the name of all of Jewry. The masses of Jews who opposed
the Zionists weren’t able to protest then because the newspapers were controlled
by the Zionists (as they are to this day). Against this background, Hitler’s
eventual revenge against the Jews should come as no surprise. And in order to
cover up their role in the suffering of Jews in WWII, the Zionists constantly
condemn the Nazis and commemorate their
Zionist Terrorism
The Zionists want to keep
Jews in danger around the world, so they oppress the Palestinians to a terrible
degree, and make sure that their crimes are done in the name of all Jews around
the world, so that Jews everywhere should suffer the consequences, may G-d spare
us. And then, when something happens to Jews somewhere in the world, they come
out and condemn when they themselves caused. And of course, out of the kindness
of their hearts, they invite the Jewish victims to flee to come and live in
their accursed “safe haven.”
September 11th
Now that we have seen
clearly that the Zionists recruit others to bring danger to the world, we must
suspect that they brought about the September 11th attacks by hinting to the Arabs that the Americans are the ones supplying them with the weapons and money with which to
oppress the Palestinians, and that therefore their terrorism should be directed
against America. The Zionists goal is to convince the Americans that the Arabs
are the real terrorists, in order to get more money and weapons out of America
and continue to oppress the Palestinians without any trouble. Furthermore,
“Israel” is trying to drag America into wars with countries that really want to
have peaceful relations with America, and are only upset at Israel for harming
the innocent Palestinians, who were expelled from their homeland.
Let us hope that the
Americans will know how to distinguish between Zionists and true Jews, who want
to be loyal citizens and pray for the welfare of the country!!!